empty json to datatable
empty json to datatable
Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
my datatable works gr8 wen there is data in the mysql table passed to it by json.
but wen there are no rows in mysql table, thats where the problem comes.
i have set this:
"language": {
"infoEmpty": " ",
"emptyTable": " ",
"zeroRecords": " - "
and this messages come, but i noticed in browser console that it keeps giving TypeError c is not defined.
wen there are no rows, i am returning this json :
"{\"sEcho\": \"3\",\"iTotalRecords\": 0,\"iTotalDisplayRecords\": 0,\"data\":[]}"
pls can anyone help ?
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That doesn't look like JSON - but rather just a simple string. You need to return:
Worth noting also that you are using the legacy format rather than the 1.10 format for whatever reason.