Is it possible to "rename" "ID"
Is it possible to "rename" "ID"
I am creating a "workorder" system for work. I need the "incremental" ID to be visible and to "rename" it is possible. Ex: in the workorder table, the "ID" would become "woID", employee table = "empID", assets table = "assetID". Is this possible. I've tried for several days and nothing works. A possible workaround would be to use a stored procedure or view and never directly access the tables, creating another incremental number with code, which is awkward when it already exists. thank you
In which part of the code is the id being referenced? Is this in Editor?
It’s in datatables, if the database doesn’t have the field id as “id” it will not initialize the datatables. So there is an "underlying" reference which causes this property. I actually can't find the code to modify. Thank you
For my application, I need to actually see the primary key fields to give the humans a number to use in some instances. Thank you
This example doesn't have an id property. It just reads the table from the DOM.
I'm not sure where the id is coming from without more information.