'multi' checkbox not working what am I missing

'multi' checkbox not working what am I missing

orionaseliteorionaselite Posts: 49Questions: 13Answers: 4

Am trying to enable multiple checkox selection. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DataTables/Select-1.2.0/css/select.bootstrap.min.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="DataTables/Select-1.2.0/js/dataTables.select.min.js"></script>
    var table = $('#users').DataTable( {
        "order": [],
        "columnDefs": [ {
      "targets": [ 0,1,4,8 ],
      "orderable": false
    } ],
    "sDecimal":           ",",
    "sEmptyTable":        "Δεν υπάρχουν δεδομένα στον πίνακα",
    "sInfo":              "Εμφανίζονται _START_ έως _END_ από _TOTAL_ εγγραφές",
    "sInfoEmpty":         "Εμφανίζονται 0 έως 0 από 0 εγγραφές",
    "sInfoFiltered":      "(φιλτραρισμένες από _MAX_ συνολικά εγγραφές)",
    "sInfoPostFix":       "",
    "sInfoThousands":     ".",
    "sLengthMenu":        "Δείξε _MENU_ εγγραφές",
    "sLoadingRecords":    "Φόρτωση...",
    "sProcessing":        "Επεξεργασία...",
    "sSearch":            "Αναζήτηση:",
    "sSearchPlaceholder": "Αναζήτηση",
    "sThousands":         ".",
    "sUrl":               "",
    "sZeroRecords":       "Δεν βρέθηκαν εγγραφές που να ταιριάζουν",
    "oPaginate": {
        "sFirst":    "Πρώτη",
        "sPrevious": "Προηγούμενη",
        "sNext":     "Επόμενη",
        "sLast":     "Τελευταία"
    "oAria": {
        "sSortAscending":  ": ενεργοποιήστε για αύξουσα ταξινόμηση της στήλης",
        "sSortDescending": ": ενεργοποιήστε για φθίνουσα ταξινόμηση της στήλης"
        "lengthMenu": [ [10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"] ],
        ajax: 'php/table.users.php',
        columns: [
                data: null,
                defaultContent: '',
                className: 'select-checkbox'
                "data": "profile_pic",
                render: function ( data, type, row ) {
                var path ='http://www.eadvertise.eu/ael-futsal-new/upload/profile_pics/'+data;  
                //return '<img class="img-circle" src="'+path" width="100"/>';
                return '<img width="100" class="img-circle" src="'+path+'"/>';
                "data": "full_name"
                "data": "email"
                "data": "password",
                render: function ( data, type, row ) {return '****';}
                "data": "dob"
                "data": "phone_number"
                "data": "status",
                render: function(data,type,row){
                if (data==0){return '<label for=\"status\" id="lblstatus" class="label label-warning">Ανενεργός</label>';}
                if (data==1){return '<label for=\"status\" id="lblstatus" class="label label-success">Ενεργός</label>';}
                if (data==2){return '<label for=\"status\" id="lblstatus" class="label" style="background-color:red;">Διαγραμμένος</label>';}
                data: null,
                render: function ( data, type, row ) {
                if(data.status=="1"){return '<div class=\"btn-group\"><a id=\"edit-button\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"Επεξεργασία\" class=\"btn btn-xs btn-default editor_edit\"><i class=\"fa fa-pencil\"></i></a><a id=\"delete-button\" data-toggle=\"tooltip"\ title=\"Διαγραφή\" class=\"btn btn-xs btn-danger editor_remove\"><i class=\"fa fa-times\"></i></a><a id=\"change-status-button\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"Απενεργοποίηση\" class=\"btn btn-xs btn-stop editor_changetozero\"><i class=\"fa fa-stop\"></i></a></div>';}
                if(data.status=="0"){return '<div class=\"btn-group\"><a id=\"edit-button\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"Επεξεργασία\" class=\"btn btn-xs btn-default editor_edit\"><i class=\"fa fa-pencil\"></i></a><a id=\"delete-button\" data-toggle=\"tooltip"\ title=\"Διαγραφή\" class=\"btn btn-xs btn-danger editor_remove\"><i class=\"fa fa-times\"></i></a><a id=\"change-status-button\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"Ενεργοποίηση\" class=\"btn btn-xs btn-stop editor_changetoone\"><i class=\"fa fa-play\"></i></a></div>';}
                //defaultContent: '<div class=\"btn-group\"><a id=\"edit-button\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"Επεξεργασία\" class=\"btn btn-xs btn-default editor_edit\"><i class=\"fa fa-pencil\"></i></a><a id=\"delete-button\" data-toggle=\"tooltip"\ title=\"Διαγραφή\" class=\"btn btn-xs btn-danger editor_remove\"><i class=\"fa fa-times\"></i></a><a id=\"change-status-button\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"Delete\" class=\"btn btn-xs btn-stop editor_change\"><i class=\"fa fa-stop\"></i></a></div>',
                //defaultContent: '<a href="" class="editor_edit">Edit</a> / <a href="" class="editor_remove">Delete</a>',
                className: 'center'
        select: {
            style:    'multi',
            selector: 'td:first-child'
        select: true,
        //lengthChange: false
    } ); 


  • allanallan Posts: 64,015Questions: 1Answers: 10,555 Site admin

    Can you link to the page so I can debug what is currently happening please?


  • allanallan Posts: 64,015Questions: 1Answers: 10,555 Site admin

    Thanks for the PM with the login details.

    This is the issue:

            select: {
                style:    'multi',
                selector: 'td:first-child'
            select: true,

    You can't have select as two different values. That's like trying to have var i=0; i=1; and expecting i to be both 0 and 1!

    Just drop the select: true and it should work as expected.


  • orionaseliteorionaselite Posts: 49Questions: 13Answers: 4

    Ok done but now I another question

    I have a custom delete button

    // Delete a record
        $('#users').on( 'click', 'a.editor_remove', function (e) {
                .edit( table.row( { selected: true } ).index(), false )
                           .set( 'status', 2 )
                           //.val( 'status', 2 )
        } );

    i need all selected itams ideas?

  • allanallan Posts: 64,015Questions: 1Answers: 10,555 Site admin

    table.row( { selected: true } ) is the correct way to get the selected rows.

    If that isn't working for you can you give me a link to the page so I can debug it please.


  • orionaseliteorionaselite Posts: 49Questions: 13Answers: 4
    edited September 2016

    I don't have a place to setup my test project so you can see it unfortunately. It is deleting but only one row. If I select row number 1,3,5 only one is set to status = 2 after pressing the delete button.

    I think maybe I was unclear and pasted the wrong code for my issue before. My code is as follows. Somewhere I have:

    new $.fn.dataTable.Buttons( table, [
            { extend: "create", editor: editor},
            { extend: "edit",   editor: editor},
            /*{ extend: "remove", editor: editor}*/
                    extend: "remove",
                    editor: editor,
                    text: "Διαγραφή",
                    action: function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
                            .edit( table.row( { selected: true } ).index(), false )
                            .set( 'status', 2 )
        ] );

    so the deletion is not done per row. but by clicking a custom button above the whole table. That is why I think

                            .edit( table.row( { selected: true } ).index(), false )

    doesn't do what I intend. I need to be able to select multiple rows e.g. 1,3,5 and set each rows status to 2

  • allanallan Posts: 64,015Questions: 1Answers: 10,555 Site admin

    If I select row number 1,3,5 only one is set to status = 2 after pressing the delete button

    What are the parameters that are being sent to the server? You can see that in the "Headers" tab of your browser's Network inspector tools.


  • orionaseliteorionaselite Posts: 49Questions: 13Answers: 4

    Got this from the Params tab in Firefox. I modified names and stuff but it is the data of the only record that is being deleted (status being set to 2).

    data[row_33][password]=somepass in md5
  • allanallan Posts: 64,015Questions: 1Answers: 10,555 Site admin

    Thanks. That shows that it is sending only one row, which prompted me to look at the code again:

    .edit( table.row( { selected: true } ).index()

    Its is using row() - i.e. singular (my suggestion above is at fault - sorry). Use rows() for multiples rows (table.rows( { selected: true } ).indexes() in this case.


  • orionaseliteorionaselite Posts: 49Questions: 13Answers: 4
    edited September 2016

    I get

    TypeError: table.rows(...).index is not a function

    what I tried was

    .edit( table.rows( { selected: true } ).index(), false )


    .edit( table.rows( { selected: true } ).index())
  • allanallan Posts: 64,015Questions: 1Answers: 10,555 Site admin

    TypeError: table.rows(...).index is not a function

    Suggests that table isn't a DataTables API instance. It should be!

    I would need a test case showing the issue to be able to understand what is going wrong there.


  • allanallan Posts: 64,015Questions: 1Answers: 10,555 Site admin

    Sorry - as soon as I posted that I realised what was wrong. Its plural:

    table.rows( ... ).indexes()

    is what should be used: rows().indexes().


  • orionaseliteorionaselite Posts: 49Questions: 13Answers: 4

    Thank you that did it. Sorry for the hassle. I am trying to learn it with a specific scenario in mind. The scenario had some complexity so that I can put myself and the component through it's paces. Thanks a million

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