fnInitComplete doesn't work with aaData instead of sAjaxSource
fnInitComplete doesn't work with aaData instead of sAjaxSource
Hi Everyone,
Is there any reason why it does not work when i use aaData.
When i setup my table by sAjaxSource, function under fnInitComplete works corectly
but if i want to use aaData and put into some array, dataTable woks ok, I see all rows correctly but i can't use fnInintComplete function ( I'm using it to collapse/expand data rows )
Thank you for any attempt to help.
my js script:
var OrderLineTable = function(configuration) {
var defaults = {
urls: {
ajaxSource: ""
var config = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, configuration);
var data2;
var aJson = eval('(' + $('#aJson').val() + ')');
var setupTable = function() {
return data2 = $("#OrderLineTable").dataTable({
aaData: aJson, // it works without fnInitComplete //sAjaxSource: config.urls.ajaxSource, // - it works !!
//sAjaxSource: aJson, // -
//sAjaxDataProp: "data.aJson", // - it doesn't load data
sDom: '<"$grid-toolbar">tr<"dataTables-footer"ilp>',
aoColumns: [
mData: "ID",
sWidth: "16px",
mRender: function(obj) {
return "<a class='details-link' href='#' title='DETAILS'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-circle-plus'></span></a>";
bSortable: false
mData: "Product",
sWidth: "400px"
mData: "Quantity",
sWidth: "120px"
fnInitComplete: tableInitComplete2
var tableInitComplete2 = function()
$('a.details-link', data2.fnGetNodes()).each(function() {
$(this).click(function() {
var nTr = $(this).closest("tr")[0];
if ($(this).children().hasClass("ui-icon-circle-plus")) {
/* Open this row */
var html = "<p>test text</p>";
data2.fnOpen(nTr, html, "details");
} else {
/* Close this row */
return false;
var init = function () {
data2 = setupTable();
return {
init: init,
config: config,
_setDataTable: function (t) { data2 = t; }
init script in cshtl file:
$(function () {
var page = OrderLineTable({
urls: {
ajaxSource: '@Url.Action("SomeMethod","SomeController)'
languageCode: ""
This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer
It seems to work okay here: http://live.datatables.net/wopebepe/1/edit .
Per the forum rules can you link to a test case showing the issue please. This will allow the issue to be debugged.
Information on how to create a test page, if you can't provide a link to your own page can be found here.
Thanks Alan. Next time I'll use the test page.
I solved this problem. Based on examples from this site I changed line:
$('a.details-link', data2.fnGetNodes()).each(function() {
$('#OrderLineTable').on('click', 'td.details-control', function () {
original line worked with sAjaxSource but not with aaData
Does it make sense ?