Confused about server side row details
Confused about server side row details
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to implement row-details for my server side processing DataTables. My table refreshes every 10 seconds and I want my row details to stay open! Currently they just close when it is reloaded. In the example at
I see there is this unique parameter 'id'. Somehow each row has this id defined in the DOM in the example. When I try to adapt the example verbatim, the 'id' attribute isn't defined, obviously, and the handler:
function () {
function(i, id) {
$('#' + id + ' td.details-control').trigger('click');
Doesn't fire.
My question:
Do I have to define the 'id' in the server side method to return to the client in the AJAX call? How do I give each row an id? My PHP knowledge is pretty bad so I virtually had no clue what was going on in the example.
Thanks! And I love this plugin!
OK if anyone is confused with this turns out this link has some more info:
Turns out you can set it manually as an option. I have a unique id for my entries so I just set
where 'Id' is the column name for my id field for my rows. Then everything works exactly as expected.