How can I transpose a table?
How can I transpose a table?

I have many data with 1 possible value. I preffer to use datatable for the ease of page alligment and for using the editor to modify it.
Is there any way to do that?
Just to be 100% sure I'm well understood, I need a table like this:
ETA | ETD | Port | Ship |
01.02.2016 | 01.03.2016 | Hong-Kong | YKM-234 |
To look like this:
ETA: | 01.02.2016
ETD: | 01.03.2016
Port | Hong-Kong
Ship | YKM-234
Right now I just let the header empty and use the first column for name and second for value. But this wont work with the Editor and this is quite a usefull tool, I'm considering buying it if I can work this out.
Is this a good example of what you're talking about?
Um... yes. Precisely. So now I guess I just look silly..
But that's ok, at least I got the answer.
As far as you know, does Editor have any trouble with this format?
Oh, on a second thought, I could not made it work with datatable. As pure HTML is fine, but I can not initialize datatable with this type of code.
You can take a look at the API here
Access the variable that is containing the table.
Take note of your headers by adding this code.
The below code will be something you could try. Of course all of this is just an example. Try it out and report back if it helped you out.
Sorry to say, DataTables does not have a transpose mode. You can simply transpose the table yourself of course, but filtering, sorting and editing would not be transposed.
Thx Allan.
I got it. I will find a work-arround in the UX.
Um.... I have a surprise.
Getting an idea from here:
I manage to create an transpose DT (with editor), only 1 line of values. I think it will work with more, but I do not need.
Editor is working just fine. Initial values were 1,2,3,..7 and I change them to "asdf" to test it
So the CSS is this:
table.dt_transpose tr { display: block; float: left; }
table.dt_transpose th, table.dt_transpose td { display: block;}
table.dt_transpose tbody { float: left;}
table.dt_transpose thead {float: left;}
Still needed on that width. I will just sort it out at 50% since I have only 1 line of values.