IE/Edge bug on Buttons - Dropdowns don't close
IE/Edge bug on Buttons - Dropdowns don't close

I have an issue very similar to this one.
When clicking the ColVis button in IE11 or Edge using the Bootstrap 4 theming, the dropdown opens fine and can be used, but it will not close. I've tried both clicking again on the main ColVis button and clicking elsewhere on the page. The console prints an error Object doesn't support property or method 'getRootNode'
on every close attempt.
This isn't an urgent issue, as I will just disable the button for IE/Edge users, but I thought I'd let you know. Let me know if you'd prefer I open a GitHub issue for this.
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you about this!
I've just tried my Bootstrap 4 example, which includes a dropdown for the column visibility, in both IE and Edge, and it appears to work okay.
Are you seeing the error on that page as well as on your own?
@allan I got this when I clicked on the example that you linked above.
Yes - its trying to load a source map as you have the developer tools enabled, but CDNJS won't do so.