How to use jquery Ui with Datatables
How to use jquery Ui with Datatables

I want to use the functiunalities of Datatables and select items of my table by using jquery ui "selectable"
my both scripts are working well separately, but not altogether, it seems that Datatables is overriding the jquery ui ?
here is my code
$(document).ready(function () {
language: {
url: “../../DataTables/media/french.json”
bJQueryUI: true
filter: “tbody td”,
stop: function(){
//le code qui n’est plus opérant …
} // fin function stop
}); // fin doc.ready
According to the docs using
bJQueryUI: true
is not the preferred way to implement Jquery UI in the current versions of Datatables.Its not clear what the exact problem is. Maybe you can put together a test case or provide a link showing your issue.