Datatable And Scroller Issues
Datatable And Scroller Issues

I am trying to render my Datatable with Scroller plugin in. Data is loading once but when scrolled further shows loading data only. Am I missing something ? I am trying to implement it in Salesforce Lightning
sessionTable = $j('#table-1').DataTable(
"info": true,
"searching": true,
// destroy : true,
"processing": false,
"dom": '<"div-pg"pi><"div-search"f><"div-tbl">t<"bottom-info"> ', // f search, p :- pagination , l:- page length
//"data": '',
"order" : [[2,"asc"]],
"serverSide": true,
//scrollY: "200px",
scrollX : true,
"ajax": function (data, callback, settings) {
var allRecs = component.get("c.runQuery");
"request" : data ,
allRecs.setCallback(this, function(response)
console.log('in setCallback Populating Data' );
var state = response.getState();
if(state === 'SUCCESS' && response.getReturnValue != null)
var resp = JSON.parse(response.getReturnValue());
setTimeout( function () {
callback( {
data: JSON.parse(,
recordsTotal: resp.recordsTotal,
recordsFiltered: resp.recordsTotal
} );
}, 200 );
scrollY: "300px",
scroller: {
loadingIndicator: true
scrollCollapse: true,
"emptyTable": "Loading Data"
This discussion has been closed.
Can you link to a test case showing the issue please?
Here is what i get (as per image)
When i load for the first time this is what i get as response (console logs)
{recordsTotal: 193, recordsFiltered: 193, draw: 1, data: "[{"zip":"95608","tempUpdatedSalesDirection":null,"…tID":"0017F00000A47VsQAJ","accNum":"BH130044hdvsh"}]"}
Thanks - however, can you link to a test case so I can attempt to debug it.
Here is the Code. Little Data might be required to put in Random__c object
Dont know how to show you test case, Since the data is coming from Datatabase. Should i create sample database ?
You might find this tech note useful.
If you need data from your database you would probably need to host the example page on your server, or reproduce the error without database provided data.
Thanks for your help.
The issue was with Salesforce Lightning, it was not returning the response. Here is walkaround for this, we can force Salesforce to give response by adding following code after enqueuing:-
$A.getCallback(function() {
}), 200);'''