drawCallback parameter properties/functions dovcumentation
drawCallback parameter properties/functions dovcumentation

Is there documentation listing the available properties and functions for the parameter passed to the drawCallback function?
The datatable option is defined as:
"drawCallback": function( settings ) {
What functions or properties are available for the parameter 'settings'?
For example, I would like to get the id of the dataTable div; currently I do it by:
'drawCallback': function( settings ) {
// call callback function on every dataTable redraw
Function in config called:
function drawCallback(api){
var tableId = api.context[0].sTableId; // there must be a simpler/better way to do this??
This discussion has been closed.
would be the way to get the table id - e.g.:Don't use the settings object for anything other than creating an API instance (if you even need to do that, which you don't in this case, use
as you have done).Allan