Datatables pagination hide 1 2 3 page button and have Next - Previoud Button ony
Datatables pagination hide 1 2 3 page button and have Next - Previoud Button ony

I have used pagination for my html table. And i want to hide/remove the 1 2 3 ... buttons in pagination and have only Next and Previous Buttons on it.
Is it Possible like doing pagingnumbers: false,(something like this simple change in code) ?
My Function:-
$('#pagination').DataTable( {
"pagingType": "full_numbers",
"iDisplayLength": 2,
"bFilter": false
} );
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try "pagingType": "simple" instead of "pagingType": "full_numbers"
guess that will do exactly what you want
Yup - the
documentation lists all of the options available.Allan