Pdf Export - Footer repeated
Pdf Export - Footer repeated
Hi everyone
Don't know if its a repeated question, but I'm having this problem. When i export to PDF got repeated footer for each column. Everything loads well, the trouble it's when i export to PDF.
Tried adding like a row, but doesn't allow colspan. Gave me errors
I'm using: DataTables 1.10.16 with this files:
Here's my code (Some values comes from variables).
------------- Dynamic Footer Code -------------
let footer = '
<tr class="dataFooter">
<th class="text-right" colspan="5">
<h5 class="d-inline-block mr-2">Distancia recorrida de la flota <span class="badge badge-secondary ml-2">1.768km</span></h5>
<h5 class="d-inline-block">Total Litros <span class="badge badge-secondary">302 Litros</span></h5>
$("#datainfo").append( $('<tfoot/>').append( footer ));
------------- Code -------------
dom: 'lfrBtip',
lengthMenu: [[10, 15, 25, 50, -1], [10, 15, 25, 50, "All"]],
responsive: true,
serverSide: false,
processing: false,
paging: true,
data: this.TableData, //Contenido de la tabla
columns: this.t_columns,
pagingType: "full_numbers",
bAutoWidth: false,
language: { url: "/assets/i18/Spanish.json" },
lengthChange: true,
initComplete: function(settings, json) {
$('.dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_filter input, .dataTables_length select').addClass('form-control');
rowCallback: (row: Node, data: any | Object, index: number) => {
//Genera las acciones de los botones
return row;
columnDefs: [
visible: false,
targets: Agrupar.target
drawCallback: function ( settings ) {
//Para agrupar por columnas
var api = this.api();
var rows = api.rows( {page:'current'} ).nodes();
var last=null;
api.column( Agrupar.target, {page:'current'} ).data().each( function ( group, i ) {
if ( last !== group ) {
$(rows).eq( i ).before(
'<tr class="group"><td colspan="5">'+group+'</td></tr>'
last = group;
buttons: [
className: 'btn btn-secondary buttons-html5',
exportOptions: { columns: this.exp_columns },
extend: 'excel',
title: filename,
init: function(api, node, config) {
footer: true
className: 'btn btn-secondary buttons-html5',
exportOptions: {
columns: this.exp_columns,
search: 'applied',
order: 'applied'
extend: 'pdfHtml5',
bProcessing: true,
orientation: 'landscape',
pageSize: 'A4', //A3 , A5 , A6 , legal , letter
title: filename,
footer: true,
header: {
margin: 10,
columns: [
image: logo,
width: 40
margin: [10, 0, 0, 0],
text: 'Here goes the rest'
init: function(api, node, config) {
customize: function ( doc ) {
//Remove the title created by datatTables
// Set page margins [left,top,right,bottom] or [horizontal,vertical]
doc.pageMargins = [20,60,20,30];
// Set the font size fot the entire document
doc.defaultStyle.fontSize = 7;
// Set the fontsize for the table header
doc.styles.tableHeader.fontSize = 7;
// Create a header object with 3 columns
// Left side: Logo - Middle: brandname - Right side: A document title
doc['header']=(function() {
return {
columns: [
image: logo,
width: 80
alignment: 'left',
italics: true,
text: filename,
fontSize: 14,
margin: [10,0]
alignment: 'right',
fontSize: 12,
text: fecha
margin: 20
// Create a footer object with 2 columns
// Left side: report creation date - Right side: current page and total pages
doc['footer']=(function(page, pages) {
return {
columns: [
alignment: 'left',
text: [footright]
alignment: 'right',
text: [ 'Página ', { text: page.toString() }, ' de ', { text: pages.toString() }]
// Set page margins [left,top,right,bottom] or [horizontal,vertical]
margin: [20, 5, 20, 20]
// Change dataTable layout (Table styling)
// To use predefined layouts uncomment the line below and comment the custom lines below
// doc.content[0].layout = 'lightHorizontalLines'; // noBorders , headerLineOnly
var objLayout = {};
objLayout['hLineWidth'] = function(i) { return .5; };
objLayout['vLineWidth'] = function(i) { return .5; };
objLayout['hLineColor'] = function(i) { return '#aaa'; };
objLayout['vLineColor'] = function(i) { return '#aaa'; };
objLayout['paddingLeft'] = function(i) { return 4; };
objLayout['paddingRight'] = function(i) { return 4; };
doc.content[0].layout = objLayout;
className: 'btn btn-secondary buttons-html5',
exportOptions: { columns: this.exp_columns },
extend: 'print',
text: 'Imprimir',
title: filename,
init: function(api, node, config) {
footer: true
Wow, thats lots of code to look through. Any chance you can build a test case show ing the issue?
Would make it easier for someone to help you.
Sorry @kthorngren , Here i clean a lot of the code. Just need to wait for the files to stream.
Thanks for the Help
Thanks for the test case. It looks like the problem is due to the colspan you have in the footer:
It seems the
is causing the export to output 5 copies of the data in the footer. If I remove the colspan then it has the information once in the footer.Unfortunately I don't immediately know how to fix this. Maybe @allan will provide a suggestion.
Yes Kevin is correct - this is a limitation in the Buttons export at the moment I'm afraid. It doesn't support colspan or rowspan.
Kipping in mind you both told me, maybe i could remove and add the colspan value before (removing the extra th) then export the pdf. But, how can i manage that? it's there a afterExport function?
Made the beforeExport using:
buttons: [
extend: 'pdfHtml5',
action: function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
console.log("Do custom processing");
$.fn.dataTable.ext.buttons.pdfHtml5.action.call(this, e, dt, node, config);
But for Before?
Maybe the buttons.action function will work. One of the examples shows how to run the default action of the button.
Hi @lickybuay , @kthorngren ,
You can make use of
instead of using colspan or rowspan, it will work for sure.Thanks