Ajax request $_GET
Ajax request $_GET
How can I do the following:
I want to do request " if ($_GET['type']=='open') { execute sql } " this is in php
JavaScript follows
With bootstrap tables it works as follows:
url: 'myPage.php',
sidePagination: "server",
queryParamsType: "limit",
pagination: true,
queryParams: function(p){
return {
type: "open",
pagenum: p.offset / p.limit,
pagesize: p.limit,
search: p.search,
offset: p.offset,
sortname: p.sort,
sortord: p.order
}, code continues_)
This is a forum for the DataTables Javascript library. If you have a question about BootstrapTable, you'd need to ask in their support channels.
hi allan, I am trying to move away from bootstrap tables. If you would look again you'll see that I said "With bootstrap tables it works as follows:" just so that my question is clear. I am sure would know the difference between the two sites.
Sorry - I did miss that part, which of course changes the context of the question!
The documentation for how to do server-side processing with DataTables is available here. There is a live example available here.