pass hidden value in URL generated using Datatable

pass hidden value in URL generated using Datatable

inDiscoverinDiscover Posts: 2Questions: 2Answers: 0
edited July 2018 in Free community support

I have below html. Here , the third heading is called "Control". This Control heading has an href link where I am trying to pass the value of EUDBID where EUDBID is an hidden field which I dont want to show in UI.

<th class="centerTableContent myWhiteSpace">ID</th>
<th class="centerTableContent myWhiteSpace">EUDBID</th>
<th class="centerTableContent myWhiteSpace">Controls</th>

Below is the js code which I tried to achieve this. But this is throwing datatable warning and not appending row.eudbid in the url.

        {"data" : "id"},
        {"data" : "eudbid","visible":false},
        {"data" : null,
            render : function(data,type,row){
                return '<a href="view-database-type.cfm?eudbid=${row.eudbid}"></a>';

Can someone help me achieve this correctly.


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