Server side pagination without the total records count

Server side pagination without the total records count

Pato120Pato120 Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

I have a very large amount of data on the server and DB query takes a long time to be resolved.
I tried a new approach to resolve this, but for this, I need to limit the number of page skips the user can do.
I also can not find the total records count.

I are trying to implement something like this:

When I click on the 7th page I get the 5 previous page number and the 5 next ones in the pagination buttons.
Any suggestion would really help.


  • colincolin Posts: 15,236Questions: 1Answers: 2,598

    Hi @Pato120 ,

    A few things there.

    You can get the total record count with api

    There's a few default paging types, see pagingType. You can also create your own if those don't meet your needs, there's a few here that you could use as a template.



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