Datatables Editor .NET filter date
Datatables Editor .NET filter date
I'm using the .NET version of the editor. I've ran into an issue where i use individual column filtering on a datetime(database) type field.
However it seems that the .NET library generates filtering always by like '%date%'. Is there any way to filter date column ?- Cause this seems not to work like this.
Here-s the code and ajax request
var request = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request;
using (var db = new Database(ConfigurationReader.GetDatatablesConnectionType(),ConfigurationReader.GetConnectionString()))
var response = new Editor(db, nameof(EF_NPTIME.LOG),nameof(LOG.ID))
return Json(response);
draw: 2
columns[0][data]: NPTime_WorkHours.Date
columns[0][searchable]: true
columns[0][orderable]: true
columns[0][search][value]: 07/17/2018
columns[0][search][regex]: false
Yes the typing of the search values is actually quite weak. Some databases will allow that, while some will not (which db are you using)?
What you might need to do in this case is mark that column as not searchable by the library's default mechanism (
) and then use anEditor.Where()
call with a lambda expression which would check to see if the value was submitted and if so then apply a condition without the wildcards.Thanks for raising this, that is absolutely something that needs to be addressed.
Im running MSSQL.
Yes, thought of your proposed workaround also.
For future reference, would there be a possibility to add some Dataannotation attibute for the Model properties that is passed into <Model> . That would specify which query to run. For example use the regular equation(=) as the operator instead of the (like'%%')
Thanks for the reply !
That's an excellent suggestion - thanks.