start paramater pass to the server on get post request
start paramater pass to the server on get post request

Each time i press the button to order a column the start parameter reset to 0 and also get my pagination back to the page 1
For exemple i change page and my start point change 0 to 10 to 20 to 30 etc...
but when i press the button to order a column the start point send to 0
is there a way to add a property to the object to say each time the order button is press to not reset the start point to 0?
i hope you understand
ps: sorry for my bad english
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Hi @frenchmaker ,
You could do something like this - this is resetting the page in the
back to where it was.If you've got
enabled, you could try adding an additional parameter
that sends the old page number.Cheers,
For the paging your code is working but datatables keep sending start parameter to 0 and resulting my server query to send the first 10 data to datatable to the actual paging. Exemple i go on page 3 and click to order a column my server is sending first 10. well here some code to visualize.
my backend is express and im using mongodb with mongoose and i use the
{'skip': Number(start), 'limit': Number(length)} object options to skip an given start point that come with the datatable request and length where to stop querying. and for counting document im also using
await Disk.countDocuments({}, async (err, c) => {
await Disk.countDocuments(query, async (err, c) => {
the query is simply a regular expression logic for the search input.
but, all i want is when i press the order button i want datatable to actually send the start parameter and dont reset it to 0.
i was about to use to share code but the upload dont work and there no actually sharing code website for express and angular app
here my ajax
'ajax': {
beforeSend: function (request) {
request.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer' + authToken);
url: 'http://localhost:3000/api/dashboard/getalldisks',
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
data: function(d) {
d.param = getNavigationParameterJS();
here the request ;
{draw: 3, columns: Array(11), order: Array(1), start: 0, length: 10, …}
columns: (11) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
draw: 3
length: 10
order: [{…}]
param: "vueglobale"
search: {value: "", regex: true}
start: 0
proto: Object
Hi @frenchmaker ,
This example here is using
and is updating the Ajax request to maintain the page position.Hope that does the trick!
Yes that work perfectly thank you