Custom Filtering (specifically greater than) server-side

Custom Filtering (specifically greater than) server-side

chessGuru64chessGuru64 Posts: 79Questions: 18Answers: 1
edited February 2019 in Free community support

I am assuming this is client-side only so I cannot use it.

Another "basic" example using a regular input seems straight forward:
table.columns( [0, 1] ).search( 'Fred' ).draw();

However, how would you do age>20?
table.columns( [3] ).search( 'age>20' ).draw();

This of course above looks silly. But is this possible? Or simply doing a smart search table.

Finally, there is using php/ajax (which is probably the right way". Something like:
$select=mysqli_query($conn, "select * from tbl where price<20");

But the final step would be confusing to redraw...
For example, this code below seems very inefficient because it does not use the server.php file.

$data = array();

foreach($result as $row)
 $sub_array = array();
 $sub_array[] = $row['CustomerName'];
 $sub_array[] = $row['Gender'];
 $sub_array[] = $row['Address'];
 $sub_array[] = $row['City'];
 $sub_array[] = $row['PostalCode'];
 $sub_array[] = $row['Country'];
 $data[] = $sub_array;

function count_all_data($connect)
 $query = "SELECT * FROM tbl_customer";
 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
 return $statement->rowCount();

$output = array(
 "draw"       =>  intval($_POST["draw"]),
 "recordsTotal"   =>  count_all_data($connect),
 "recordsFiltered"  =>  $number_filter_row,
 "data"       =>  $data

Above Code Source:


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