Exact Match filter with more than one value in a string variable

Exact Match filter with more than one value in a string variable

polachanpolachan Posts: 101Questions: 50Answers: 0
edited April 2019 in Free community support

I have the variable
var filtertext= '1,3,5'
I want to filter the datatable table = $('#DepotID').dataTable having the depot number exact match with variable. When I filter the data table, the record should not be displayed having the depot id value 100,303. it have to be filtered exact match of 1,2,3. Please can you help me with suggested it would be very appreciated.

With Many thanks


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,173Questions: 26Answers: 4,923

    One option would be to use column().search() enabling the regex option and disabling the smart search option. This will allow you to have an exact match search. This example will show using regex searches:


  • polachanpolachan Posts: 101Questions: 50Answers: 0

    Please can I ask you to give some help with code to get sorted this exact filter for the datataable. I have the string variable
    string filtertext ='1,2,3'. I am trying to filter the record having the column 1 and 2 and thrree in column 1 . Please can you give some help
    table.fnFilter("^"+"1", 1, true, false);
    With thanks

  • polachanpolachan Posts: 101Questions: 50Answers: 0

    I am trying to filter the column[1]having the value 1,2,3 on the column[1]. Any help with code would be very appreciated.

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,173Questions: 26Answers: 4,923
    edited April 2019

    The place to start is to build a simple test case with your data. This way we can see exactly what you have.

    Maybe this is the search that you want:

    table.column(1).search('^1,2,3$', true, false).draw();

    EDIT: More specifically this:

    table.column(1).search('^' + filtertext  + '$', true, false).draw();


  • polachanpolachan Posts: 101Questions: 50Answers: 0
    edited April 2019

    I applied your code in my data table still not working. I am trying to filter the data table the person, having the age 61,66,38

    Please can you help me using the given example.

  • polachanpolachan Posts: 101Questions: 50Answers: 0

    If I filter the age 6 and 30, it should filter employees having the age of 6 and 30 only. It should not filter any other rows like 16 or 60 etc. Any help would be very appreciated

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,173Questions: 26Answers: 4,923

    The first problem is you are getting this error in the browser's console:

    Uncaught TypeError: table.column is not a function

    This FAQ explains why.

    I misunderstood what data was in your column. I thought on cell in the column would have something like 1,2,3. The example is helpful. A simple change to the regex expression should be all you need:

     table.column(3).search('^' + '61|66|33'  + '$', true, false).draw();

    Not the use of the or operator (|) between the numbers. Here is the updated example:


  • polachanpolachan Posts: 101Questions: 50Answers: 0

    It is not exact match.
    When I search the age '6|3|10' , now all record is displayed having the value 66,62,33,34 etc. I am looking for exact filter the record of only the age of 3 and 6 6 and 10 , If the age 3,6,10 is not there, no record should be shown

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,173Questions: 26Answers: 4,923

    I updated the regex expression again.

    The site is very good at helping you learn and build regex expressions:


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