Turning off rowGroup feature
Turning off rowGroup feature
The first column of my table has one of two values. When the table is ordered by this column, it looks much nicer making the column invisible and using the rowGroup feature. If the user clicks on any of the other column headings, I turn off rowGroup and make the column visible. This works great, but only if the user is at the top of the table (i.e. has not scrolled down). Is this the intended functionality? If so, is there an easy way to automate scrolling back to the top of the table?
I tried a few different options with scrolling and they all seem to behave the same and correctly. As far as I know when sorting the Datatable always goes to the top. If yours is not check the browser for errors.
I tried with a simple ajax loaded table and scrollX all the way to using server side processing with the scroller extension. This is the last example:
If you continue to have problems please post a link to your page or a test case replicating this issue. This will allow us to see exactly what you are doing.
Doesn't seem like your test case is running correctly. Looks like the console is reporting a syntax error. ITs hard to say what the problem is without seeing it running.