Server-side "Processing..." freeze

Server-side "Processing..." freeze

SpringlottSpringlott Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0

Hi everyone,

I have an issue with my server-side processing. I check the validity of my JSON with and my JSON is valid but the table stay freeze with "Processing ..." cf. picture

Here is my JS:

    $(document).ready(function() {
            "processing": true,
            "serverSide": true,
            "ajax": "datatable_processing.php",

Here is my php:

// Create connection to the db
$connexion = connexion_sql("Interactomiq_test");
if ($connexion->connect_error) {
    redirect_result(array($connexion->connect_error), true);

$phpTable = array();
$mainQuery = "SELECT * FROM ResultsExp WHERE ResultsExp.id_kojak=(SELECT IFNULL(MAX(id_kojak), 0) AS id_ FROM KojakParameter)";
$mainAnswer = $connexion->query($mainQuery) or die($connexion->error);

while ($mainRow = $mainAnswer->fetch_assoc()) {
    $phpRow = array($mainRow["scan"], $mainRow["ret_time"], $mainRow["intensity"]);

    if ($mainRow["id_crosslink"] != null) {
        $idXlink = $mainRow["id_crosslink"]; 
        $xlinkRow = get_answer($connexion, "SELECT * FROM CrossLink WHERE CrossLink.id_crosslink=$idXlink");
        $idF1 = $xlinkRow["id_frag_1"];
        $f1Row = get_answer($connexion, "SELECT * FROM Fragments WHERE Fragments.id_fragment=$idF1");
        $idProt1 = $f1Row["id_prot"];
        $protein1 = get_answer($connexion, "SELECT * FROM Proteins WHERE Proteins.id_prot=$idProt1");
        $sequence1 = get_fragment_sequence($protein1, $f1Row);
        $idF2 = $xlinkRow["id_frag_2"];
        $f2Row = get_answer($connexion, "SELECT * FROM Fragments WHERE Fragments.id_fragment=$idF2");
        $idProt2 = $f2Row["id_prot"];
        $protein2 = get_answer($connexion, "SELECT * FROM Proteins WHERE Proteins.id_prot=$idProt2");
        $sequence2 = get_fragment_sequence($protein2, $f2Row);
        $phpRow = array_merge($phpRow, array($xlinkRow["mass_obs"], $xlinkRow["charge"], $xlinkRow["mass_psm"], $xlinkRow["ppm_error"], $xlinkRow["score_tot"],
            $xlinkRow["e_value"], $xlinkRow["score_pep1"], $xlinkRow["e_value_pep1"], $sequence1, get_site($xlinkRow["site_1"],$sequence1), $protein1["name"], $xlinkRow["score_pep2"],
            $xlinkRow["e_value_pep2"], $sequence2, get_site($xlinkRow["site_2"],$sequence2), $protein2["name"]));
    } else {
        $idF1 = $mainRow["id_fragment"];
        $f1Row = get_answer($connexion, "SELECT * FROM Fragments WHERE Fragments.id_fragment=$idF1");
        $idProt1 = $f1Row["id_prot"];
        $protein1 = get_answer($connexion, "SELECT * FROM Proteins WHERE Proteins.id_prot=$idProt1");
        $sequence1 = get_fragment_sequence($protein1, $f1Row);

        $phpRow = array_merge($phpRow, array("-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", $sequence1, "-", $protein1["name"], "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"));
    $phpRow = array_merge($phpRow, array($mainRow["date_exp"]));
    array_push($phpTable, $phpRow);

echo json_encode($phpTable, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);


By launching this php only I obtained the following JSON:

"0": {
"0": "20",
"1": "2",
"2": "0",
"3": "301",
"4": "1",
"5": "300",
"6": "0",
"7": "2",
"8": "13",
"9": "1",
"10": "5",
"11": "MRTFDK",
"12": "T2",
"13": "PA0001",
"14": "1",
"15": "8",
"17": "S3",
"18": "PA0001",
"19": "2019-11-02"
"1": {
"0": "24",
"1": "2",
"2": "0",
"3": "395",
"4": "1",
"5": "394",
"6": "0",
"7": "2",
"8": "8",
"9": "1",
"10": "19",
"12": "A3",
"13": "PA0001",
"14": "1",
"15": "49",
"17": "I2",
"18": "PA0002",
"19": "2019-11-02"

Anyone has an idea of what is wrong ? Thank you by advance


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,144Questions: 26Answers: 4,918
    edited April 2019

    Although your data is a valid JSON string it is not in a structure that Datatables supports. This doc explains the supported structures:

    Essentially the data needs to be an array of rows. The rows can be made up of either array data or object data. You would need something more like this:

            "0": "20",
            "1": "2",
            "2": "0",
            "3": "301",
            "4": "1",
            "5": "300",
            "6": "0",
            "7": "2",
            "8": "13",
            "9": "1",
            "10": "5",
            "11": "MRTFDK",
            "12": "T2",
            "13": "PA0001",
            "14": "1",
            "15": "8",
            "16": "PEISRLLVAQK",
            "17": "S3",
            "18": "PA0001",
            "19": "2019-11-02"
            "0": "24",
            "1": "2",
            "2": "0",
            "3": "395",
            "4": "1",
            "5": "394",
            "6": "0",
            "7": "2",
            "8": "8",
            "9": "1",
            "10": "19",
            "11": "LRRAQEREQT",
            "12": "A3",
            "13": "PA0001",
            "14": "1",
            "15": "49",
            "16": "DEIIFMFHNK",
            "17": "I2",
            "18": "PA0002",
            "19": "2019-11-02"

    Secondly since you are using server side processing there are more requirements on the returned data as described here:

    Your rows will need to be in a data object along with returning the other parameters described in the returned data section.


  • SpringlottSpringlott Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0

    Thank you for your help Kevin

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