When I resize the page , start new query...why?
When I resize the page , start new query...why?

hi promgrmmers, I have a problem with datatable, when i resize the dimension of the page , for example when I thight or large the page with mouse , ajax query start and rebuild datatable but i use server side datatable and this isn't good because is a waste of time, please help me:
this is my code of datatable
$(document).ready(function() {
var savedSelected;
var riga = getParam("riga");
var page = getParam("page");
var start = getParam("start");
var current = getParam("current");
var dataSet = [];
var oTable = $table.DataTable({
"scrollY": "200px",
"scrollCollapse": true,
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"paging": true,
"info": false,
"aLengthMenu": [
[10, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500, -1],
[10, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500, "All"]
"pageLength": 50,
//"pagingType": "numbers",
"responsive": true,
"autoWidth": false,
"language": {
"sEmptyTable": "Nessun dato presente nella tabella",
"sInfo": "",
"sInfoEmpty": "",
"sInfoFiltered": "(filtrati da _MAX_ elementi totali)",
"sInfoPostFix": "",
"sInfoThousands": ".",
"sLengthMenu": "<div class=elem_tot>Visualizza _MENU_ allievi su <div class=totale></div></div>",
"sLoadingRecords": "Caricamento...",
"sProcessing": "Elaborazione...",
"sSearch": "Cerca:",
"sSearch[value]": "",
"sZeroRecords": "La ricerca non ha portato alcun risultato.",
"oPaginate": {
"sFirst": "Inizio",
"sPrevious": '<img src="assets/img/Arrow_SxO.svg" height="35" class="arrow_sx">',
"sNext": '<img src="assets/img/Arrow_DxO.svg" height="35" class="arrow_dx">',
"sLast": "Fine"
"oAria": {
"sSortAscending": ": attiva per ordinare la colonna in ordine crescente",
"sSortDescending": ": attiva per ordinare la colonna in ordine decrescente"
"ajax": {
"url": "ajax/mediaweb/getallievi.php",
"dataSrc": function(json_data) {
var start = document.getElementById("start_page");
$(start).text(json_data.start + " , " + json_data.limit);
var allievitot = document.getElementsByClassName("totale");
return json_data.rows;
}, //end ajax call
//function(oSettings, json) {
"columns": [
{ responsivePriority: 1, "width": "75px", "data": "__rank", className: "dt-center" },
{ responsivePriority: 1, "width": "auto", "data": "Allievo", className: "dt-center myAnag" },
{ responsivePriority: 5, "width": "300px", "data": "MediaX", className: "dt-center myMediaX" }, //defaultContent: "<div id='mediaQuiz[]'></div>" },
{ responsivePriority: 3, "width": "300px", "data": "Media", className: "dt-center myMedia" }, //defaultContent: "<div id='mediaEsami[]'></div>" },
{ responsivePriority: 4, "width": "150px", "data": "Giudizio", className: "dt-center" },
{ responsivePriority: 6, "width": "150px", "data": "Patente", className: "dt-center" },
{ responsivePriority: 9, "width": "150px", "data": "ScadFr", className: "dt-center" },
{ responsivePriority: 7, "width": "75px", "data": "LTesti", className: "dt-center" },
{ responsivePriority: 8, "width": "75px", "data": "LAudio", className: "dt-center" }
// "select": true,
"createdRow": function(row, data, index) {
fixPatenteAB1(row, data, index);
fixDataEsame(row, data, index);
setGiudizio(row, data, index);
setFlags(row, data, index);
"rowCallback": function(row, data, index) {
$.post("ajax/mediaweb/allieviscuola.php", { "id_allievo": data.Codice, "id_sedeClienteNeca": data.id_sedeClienteNeca }, function(data) {
if (data.Presente === "0") {
$.post("ajax/mediaweb/schedeesamiallievi.php", { "id_allievo": data.Codice, "id_sedeClienteNeca": data.id_sedeClienteNeca }, function(data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
row.cells[3].innerHTML = data.html;
$.post("ajax/mediaweb/schedequizallievi.php", { "id_allievo": data.Codice, "id_sedeClienteNeca": data.id_sedeClienteNeca }, function(html) {
row.cells[2].innerHTML = html;
$.post("ajax/mediaweb/MediaEsame.php", { "id_allievo": data.Codice, "id_sedeClienteNeca": data.id_sedeClienteNeca }, function(data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
var celle = row.cells[3].innerHTML;
celle = celle.replace('</div>', '</div><div class="MediaEsame" style="position: absolute;top: 0;right: 0px;width: 50px;text-align: left;">' + data.html + '</div>"')
row.cells[3].innerHTML = celle;
setGiudizio(row, data, 0);
$.post("ajax/mediaweb/setData.php", { "id_allievo": data.Codice, "id_sedeClienteNeca": data.id_sedeClienteNeca }, function(data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
setFormatdate(row, data, index);
'stateSave': true,
'stateSaveParams': function(settings, data) {
data.selected = this.api().rows({ selected: true })[0];
'stateLoadParams': function(settings, data) {
savedSelected = data.selected;
'initComplete': function(settings) {
if (savedSelected != undefined) {
} else {
"stateDuration": 60 * 30
This discussion has been closed.
Hi @Maxilboss93 ,
It's because you've got ajax requests in your
function - this is called on every table draw, whether that be a resize, paging, or sorting. If that information is static, you could move it intocreatedRow
Hi Colin, However i tried to change in created row but isn't different, ajax start in all case of resize ...
this is the structure of my php page, all pages are similar structure then this..
The issue will be on the client side, it'll be making the ajax request. We're happy to take a look, but as per the forum rules, please link to a test case - a test case that replicates the issue will ensure you'll get a quick and accurate response. Information on how to create a test case (if you aren't able to link to the page you are working on) is available here.
I can't get to work my testPage sorry, i can only take u all files of this problems,
and php files are these:
$start = $_GET["start"];
$length = $_GET["length"];
$search = $_GET["search"];
$order = $_GET["order"];
$columns =$_GET['columns'];
$id_sedeClienteNeca = myLib::sessionParam("id_sedeClienteNeca", 0);
$initRow = $start;
$stepRowIndex = 1;
$sqlOrder = 'ASC ';
$asc = true;
if (isOrderedByRank($order) && $order[0]['dir'] == 'desc') {
$initRow = $start + $length;
$stepRowIndex = -1;
$sqlOrder = 'DESC ';
$asc = false;
$limit = '';
if ($length != '-1') {
$limit ='LIMIT '.$start.','.$length;
@curRow := @curRow + ' . $stepRowIndex . ' AS row_number,
A.id_allievo Codice,
trim(concat(IFNULL(CS.cognome, ""), " ", IFNULL(CS.nome, ""))) Allievo,
"0" Schede,
"0" Media,
"0" SchedeX,
"0" MediaX,
"Non valutabile" Giudizio,
IFNULL(A.listatoQuiz, "") Patente,
DATE_FORMAT(IFNULL(PR.dataVariazioneStato, "0000-00-00 00:00:00"), "%m-%d-%Y") ScadFr,
IFNULL(LQ.prefisso, "IT") LTesti,
IFNULL(LA.prefisso, "IT") LAudio,
IFNULL(LI.errori, 0) Errori,
A.id_allievo Presente ';
$cSQLPart2 = 'FROM allievo A
left join clientescuola CS ON CS.id_clienteScuola = A.id_clienteScuola
left join pratica PR ON PR.id_pratica = A.id_pratica
left join mediaweb MW ON MW.id_mediaWeb = A.id_mediaWeb
left join lingua LQ ON LQ.id_lingua = MW.linguaQuiz
left join lingua LA ON LA.id_lingua = MW.linguaAudio
left join listato LI ON LI.tipo = A.listatoQuiz
JOIN (SELECT @curRow := ' . $initRow . ') r
WHERE A._stato!="D" AND CS.id_sedeClienteNeca = ' . $id_sedeClienteNeca. ' ';
if (isset($search['value']) && $search['value']!=""){
$cSQLPart2 .='AND (CS.nome LIKE "%' . $search['value'] . '%" OR CS.cognome LIKE "%' .$search['value'] . '%") ';
$cSQLPart2.='ORDER BY ';
if (isset($order[0]['column']) && $order[0]['column'] > 0) {
$cSQLPart2 .= $columns[$order[0]['column']]['data'] . ' ' . $order[0]['dir'] . ', ';
$cSQLPart2.='Allievo ' . $sqlOrder .', ScadFr ' .$sqlOrder . ' ';
if ($length != '-1') {
$cSQLPart2 .= $limit;
left join clientescuola CS ON CS.id_clienteScuola = A.id_clienteScuola
WHERE A._stato!="D" AND CS.id_sedeClienteNeca = ' . $id_sedeClienteNeca;
//echo $cSQL;
$myDB = new NecaDB();
$cSQL = $cSQLHead . $cSQLPart2;
$data = $myDB->class_arraySQL($cSQLTot);
$total = $data[0]['TOTAL'];
//echo $total . ", " . $start . ", " . $length;
//echo $cSQL;
if (!$asc) $initRow = $total - $start;
$data = $myDB->class_arraySQL($cSQL, false, false, $initRow, $asc);
$json_data = array(
"recordsTotal" => intval( $total ),
"recordsFiltered" => intval( $total ),
"rows" => $data
echo str_replace('},{', '},' . "\n" . '{', json_encode($json_data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
function isOrderedByRank($order) {
return isset($order[0]['column']) && $order[0]['column'] == 0;
If u wanna see all other php file i' ll send u!
problem solved, thanks a lot, there is a $dataTable.draw(); in a datatable resize function! sorry, im idiot!