How can I use ellipsis.render and allow end-user to download non-truncated column?
How can I use ellipsis.render and allow end-user to download non-truncated column?

I am using the following options for my dataTable:
dom: 'Bfrtip',
buttons: [
'copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print'
select: true,
columnDefs: [{
targets: 0,
render: function (d, type, row) {
if (d.length < 50) {
return d;
let shortened = d.substr(0, 49);
return '<span class="ellipsis" title="' + d + '">' + shortened + '…</span>';
Everything works as expected. I am a new developer. Can you recommend a solution that would allow the end-user to download the non-truncated column?
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Try using
to display the ellipsis for only thedisplay
operation as described here:
Something like this:
This way the column data remains the full/original data. This will also allow for searching and sorting using the original data. The export should export the full data this way.
@kthorngren I'm using your code but the data is still cut off in the Excel export. See What's wrong?
@Rawland_Hustle Use Orthogonal data to return the full data for the export as shown in this example. You could use one of the built in operations like
or if you want to be explicit you could create a new one like the example.Kevin
@kthorngren Worked perfectly! Thank you!