Adding dynamically rows to a datable
Adding dynamically rows to a datable

Dear Datables community,
I need help. I cannot find a solution to my problem after having read the documentation several times. I have a dynamic array manipulated by a field. An Ajax request is used to retrieve a json.
You will find below the shape of the object:
data = [{"name1":"ref2","name2":"55xXXXX","dates":{"date1":"2019/11/19 00:00:00"}},{"name1":"ref2","name2":"XXXX555","dates":{"date1":"2020/03/20 00:00:00"}}]
My table is already declared in my html. With my js file I would like to add or delete lines.
I always get the same error. I tried via initialize function of datatables and also via rows.add.
$("#table1").DataTable({data: data,colums: [{data: 'name1'},{data: 'name2'},{data: 'dates.date1'}]})
Thanks, have a great day
You misspelled columns.
It was a mistake. My problem is that after a clear () or a delete(), it is impossible to insert data.
Please post a link to your page or a test case replicating the issue. We need to see what is happening in order to offer suggestions.
Do you get errors in the browser's console?
The issue that i have : "DataTables warning: table id=tableAffaires - Requested unknown parameter 'T0' for row 6, column 2. For more information about this error, please see"
No error in browser's console.
Have you followed the diagnostic steps explained in the link?