What are the difference between the two references?
What are the difference between the two references?

I have downloaded and copied to my solution the DataTables version 1.10.20 and reference below:
When I run the program, it does not display bootstrap tooltip correctly.
When I use below reference, it display the correct bootstrap tooltip.
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We're happy to take a look, but as per the forum rules, please link to a test case - a test case that replicates the issue will ensure you'll get a quick and accurate response. Information on how to create a test case (if you aren't able to link to the page you are working on) is available here.
Hi collin, is there a difference between DataTables-1.10.20/datatables.min.js I have downloaded versus this reference src="https://cdn.datatables.net/v/bs4-4.1.1/dt-1.10.20/datatables.min.js"?
Also, I am currently using boostrap v4.3.1. Thanks
As I explained in your other thread you can open the file to find out what it contains. If you click on the CDN like you will see:
Also you can click on the link in the file to see and update the options:
The CDN you linked to contains the BS 4.1.1 library. You are including the BS 4.3.1 library so this would result in including both and may cause issues. Look at the datatable.js file you downloaded. If it contains the above information its a bundled file. If not then its just datatbles.js without BS or other extensions.
Hi Kevin, i am just wondering since i have installed through manage nuget bootstrap version 4.3.1 and the CDN we link is https://datatables.net/download/#bs4-4.1.1/dt-1.10.20. Is the version of this CDN 4.1.1? Maybe, the tooltip will work only on 4.1.1 version instead of the version I installed which is 4.3.1? Thanks
Thats a Bootstrap question not Datatables. However you can change the example I provided in your other thread to use BS 4.3.1. Run through the Download Builder and generate the CDN to use BS 4 in Step 1 but not in step 2.
Hi Kevin, yes it seems that the bootstrap version should be 4.1.1 instead of 4.3.1 since in datatables download site, the version of bootstrap is 4.1.1. Thanks for your help....