SearchPanes with DateRangePicker don't work

SearchPanes with DateRangePicker don't work

erratchumatiaserratchumatias Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0

Hello good evening. He integrated SearchPanes into my Datatable, and he also externally integrated a filter for date range that can be selected with DateRangePicker. The problem is that if I filter first with search panels and then apply the date filter it works. But if I do the reverse and first filter the date, my search appears with "No matching records found." My table is loaded with ajax. I attach images and my JS code. Thank you

var table = $(".tablaPagos").DataTable({
"deferRender": true,
"retrieve": true,
"ordering": false,
"processing": true,
"search": {
"regex": true,
"caseInsensitive": true,
extend: 'searchPanes',
config: {
cascadePanes: true,
layout: 'columns-5',
columns: [1, 15, 13, 14, 11, 9, 3, 4, 12, 2],
ShowDisabledButtons: false,
viewTotal: true,


"dom": 'Bfrtip',
"bFilter": true,
"language": {

    "sProcessing":     "Procesando...",
    "sLengthMenu":     "Mostrar _MENU_ registros",
    "sZeroRecords":    "No se encontraron resultados",
    "sEmptyTable":     "Ningún dato disponible en esta tabla",
    "sInfo":           "Mostrando registros del _START_ al _END_",
    "sInfoEmpty":      "Mostrando registros del 0 al 0",
    "sInfoFiltered":   "(filtrado de un total de _MAX_ registros)",
    "sInfoPostFix":    "",
    "sSearch":         "Buscar en todos: ",
    "sUrl":            "",
    "sInfoThousands":  ",",
    "sLoadingRecords": "Cargando...",
    "oPaginate": {
        "sFirst":    "Primero",
        "sLast":     "Último",
        "sNext":     "Siguiente",
        "sPrevious": "Anterior"
    "searchPanes": {
            clearMessage: 'Desactivas seleccionados',
            collapse: 'Mas Filtros',
                _: 'Filtros seleccionados - %d',
                0: 'No hay filtros seleccionados',
                1: 'Un filtro seleccionado',
    "oAria": {
        "sSortAscending":  ": Activar para ordenar la columna de manera ascendente",
        "sSortDescending": ": Activar para ordenar la columna de manera descendente"

"rowGroup": {
        endRender: function (rows, group) {
        var avg = rows
            .reduce( function (a, b) {
                return a + b.replace('$', '')*1;
            }, 0);

        return 'TOTAL: '+
            $.fn.dataTable.render.number(',', '.', 0, '$').display( avg );
        dataSrc: 0
"columnDefs": [
            "targets": [ 0 ],
            "visible": false,
            "searchable": true,
                show: false,
            "targets": [ 1 ],
            "visible": true,
            "searchable": true,
                show: true,
                hideCount: true,
            "targets": [ 2 ],
            "visible": true,
            "searchable": true,
                show: true,
                hideCount: true,
            "targets": [ 3 ],
            "visible": true,
            "searchable": true,
                show: true,
            "targets": [ 4 ],
            "visible": true,
            "searchable": true,
                show: true,
            "targets": [ 11 ],
            "visible": false,
            "searchable": true,
                show: true,
            "targets": [ 12 ],
            "visible": false,
            "searchable": true,
                show: true,
            "targets": [ 13 ],
            "visible": false,
            "searchable": true,
                show: true,
            "targets": [ 14 ],
            "visible": false,
            "searchable": true,
                show: true,
            "targets": [ 15 ],
            "visible": false,
            "searchable": true,
                show: true,



$(function() {

var start = moment().subtract(1, 'days');
var end = moment();

function cb(start, end) {

    "locale": {
        "format": "YYYY-MM-DD",
        "separator": " de ",
        "applyLabel": "Applicar",
        "cancelLabel": "Cancelar",
        "fromLabel": "Desde",
        "toLabel": "Hasta",
        "customRangeLabel": "Personalizado",
        "weekLabel": "S",
        "daysOfWeek": [
        monthNames: [
    "opens": "center", 
    firstDay: 1,
    startDate: start,
    endDate: end,
    ranges: {
       'Hoy': [moment(), moment()],
       'Ayer': [moment().subtract(1, 'days'), moment().subtract(1, 'days')],
       'Ultimos 7 Dias': [moment().subtract(6, 'days'), moment()],
       'Ultimos 30 Dias': [moment().subtract(29, 'days'), moment()],
       'Este Mes': [moment().startOf('month'), moment().endOf('month')],
       'Ultimo Mes': [moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month')],
       'Todos': [moment().subtract(360, 'days'), moment()],
}, function(start, end, label) {

maxDateFilter = end;
minDateFilter = start;
$('#Date_searchSpan').html(start.format('DD/MM/YYYY')+ '-' + end.format('DD/MM/YYYY'));

minDateFilter = "";
maxDateFilter = "";

function(settings, data, dataIndex) {
var min = minDateFilter;
var max = maxDateFilter;
var createdAt = data[7] || 7; // Our date column in the table

if (
  (min == "" || max == "") ||
  (moment(createdAt).isSameOrAfter(min) && moment(createdAt).isSameOrBefore(max))
) {
  return true;
return false;



This discussion has been closed.