Trigger tooltip if column content have some conditions
Trigger tooltip if column content have some conditions

Hi all,
Is it possible to show a tooltip for a column (cell) only if that column content have a specific condition?
NOTE: Condition would be like the length of the content.
If so, which event, or how I could inject the code to show the tooltip?
Thank very much in advance!
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to add the tooltip if the condition is met. Or if the data can change then userowCallback
Hi @kthorngren,
Thank you very much for your reply.
I think the createdRow or createdCell will definitely help me.
Going a little further on this one, is it possible to detect, or to know if the text of a column has overflown?
My intention is to show a tooltip only for a column when its contents have overflown.
Any thoughts on that would be much appreciated.
Thank you very much!
You can't tell if it's over-flowed, but you could use something like this perhaps - the tooltip with ellipses.
Hi @colin,
Sorry for the late reply, and thank you very much for your feedback.
I think the sample you mentioned in your link is quite useful.
I will play with that and double check if it can work for my project.
Thanks again!