Datatable with Data from Symfony 5.1 Controller via Ajax
Datatable with Data from Symfony 5.1 Controller via Ajax

I have a datatable, but since I have got lots of data, the loading causes issues. I therefore decided the data should be loaded via AJAX, but I do not get the data shown. I have 3 version below how I return data, but none work. How do I have to format the data, how do I return the data from the controller and how would I use it in the datatable?
'columnDefs': [
// These are the column name variables that will be sent to the server
{ "data": "firstname", "targets": 0 },
{ "data": "lastname", "targets": 1 },
{ "data": "username", "targets": 2 },
// Server-side parameters
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
// Ajax call
"ajax": {
"url": "/members/load-items",
"type": "POST",
dataSrc: "data"
// Classic DataTables parameters
"paging" : true,
"info" : true,
"searching": true,
"pageLength": 10,
"order": [[4, 'asc']],
// My Controller
public function getAllItemsJSON()
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$members= $em->getRepository(Member::class)->getAllMembers();
return new JsonResponse($members); // tried this
return new JsonResponse(["data" =>$members]); // tried this
return new Response(json_encode(["data" => array($members)]), 200, ['Content-Type' => 'application/json']); //tried this
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The Ajax manual discusses all these points. Let us know if you have any questions.
I would suppose that my error is in the way I return the data from Symfony. It looks like an array of objects, so do I have to format it first in the controller and if so, how would I return it? I really struggle with this.
You also have server side processing enabled. Your server script is expected to follow the Server Side Processing Protocol. I'm not familiar with Symfony. You may want to find a tutorial, like this one to start with.
Thank you. I think I might have it. I do have to format the Object first in the controller and return that. I do still have some problem with a date etc, but I might figure it out. Thank you to both of you. I will Update my question with the answer when it is finally running.