Server-side processing how to handle date searches.
Server-side processing how to handle date searches.
When searching in server-side processing the search starts with the first character entered and continues for each character entered. So what is the recommended way to handle searching for a date with format dd/mm/yyyy? I suppose we assume that any number followed by a '/' is a date and convert it to '-'. As dates are stored as yyyy-mm-dd then we would:
* 2 [search for 2]
* 2/ [ search for -2]
* 22/ [search for -22]
* 22/3 [search for 03-22]
* 22/12 [search for 12-22]
* 22/12/2 [ search for 2-12-22]
* etc
Is there a really smart way of doing this?
Kind regards,
The best way of doing this would be to present the end user with a date picker calandar input and then base the search on that. Reject anything from the input that cannot be strictly parsed using the date format you are allowing.
Thanks Allan,
How do I do that with the "Search:" field (i.e., curently the search is entered into the "Search:" field, and I do not want to loose that, so how do we combine the "Search:" with a date field)?
We would need to be able to do both a date search and a text search.
How would this allow us to search for everyone, say, born in 2000?
With the original I can enter "John 2000" and it will filter accordingly.
Kind regards,
If you use a date picker as Allan suggested then use
for the date column. That and the global search will both be sent to the server. Take a look at the server side docs for info regarding the parameters sent.Kevin