Language url blocking buttons
Language url blocking buttons

Hey all,
I have a JavaScript controller defining the structure of a DataTable.
In this controller I am defining some buttons and using a URL to set the language (along with other things)
"buttons": structure.Table.Buttons,
"language": {
"emptyTable": structure.Table.Messages.NoRecordsMesssage,
"url": "".replace("Language", translations['Lang'])
The Buttons and the emptyTable value are defined like so:
Table: {
DataTable: {},
HtmlTableId: "",
Messages: {
NoRecordsMesssage: translations['NoRecordsMesssage']
Buttons: [
extend: "csvHtml5",
text: translations['ExportCSV'],
exportOptions: {
columns: ":not(.no-print)"
extend: "print",
messageTop: null,
title: translations['KUEModules'],
exportOptions: {
columns: ":not(.no-print)"
autoPrint: true,
customize: function (win) {
.removeClass("table-bordered table-hover table-responsive");
However, My issue is that whenever the url option is within language, the buttons defined above are not displayed.
Would like to figure out what is going on here.
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