Datatables with control (sorting etc) are not read by NVDA using ctrl+alt+arrow keys
Datatables with control (sorting etc) are not read by NVDA using ctrl+alt+arrow keys
NVDA is not reading cells of the data table using ctlr+alt+arrow keys after the focus once goes to the column headers.
As you can see in this example:
Once I take the focus to the column header or the control column, I cannot use ctrl+alt+arrow keys to read the cells.
This question was asked earlier in the following thread but there was no solution available at that time. I am wondering if there is a solution available now.
I think my original system in the thread still stands. You could disable the tabindex on the table header cells, but a proper fix would probably need to involve me talking to the NVDA developers to understand why ctrl+alt+arrow isn't moving focus away from the header cell when it has a tabindex and what they require to fix it.
Do you happen to know any of the NVDA devs?