several datatables inside bootstrap tabs
several datatables inside bootstrap tabs

I will appreciate if you can help me with the problem, I am having right now with my datatables
I have 4 bootstrap tabs
Inside each tab there is a datatable and editor
All the tables are sharing the same table “products”, but the difference is that I have 4 different controllers: controller for each table in the 4 tabs where I am using “When” to filter and fetch the data based on the status value [sample controller is following - line 20 is where I change the proce value]
Tab1 datatable get data from products table when status=0
Tab2 datatatble get data from products table when status =1
Tab3 datatatble get data from products table when status =S
Tab4 datatatble get data from products table when status =Q
I have editor submit button above each datatable
in tab1: when click the submit then status should change 0 to 1
in tab2: when click the submit then status should change 1 to S
in tab3: when click the submit then status should change S to Q
in tab4: when click the submit then status should change A to C
If I have only one datatable in tab1 and no other tables exist, then the submit button works just fine
The problem happened when I add datatable in tab2; then the submit button will work in tab2 but no in tab 1.
If I add datatable in tab3 then submit button works in tab3 but not in tab 2 and so on
sample controller is here:
public class ProductsController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult Products()
var request = HttpContext.Current.Request;
var settings = Properties.Settings.Default;
using (var db = new Database(settings.DbType, settings.DbConnection))
var response = new Editor(db, "Product")
.Field(new Field("id").Validator(Validation.NotEmpty()))
.Field(new Field("ProductID").Validator(Validation.NotEmpty()))
.Field(new Field("ProdDesc").Validator(Validation.NotEmpty()))
.Field(new Field("Origin").Validator(Validation.NotEmpty()))
.Field(new Field("proce").Validator(Validation.NotEmpty()))
.Where("proce", "0") //get the unprocessed Prod only
.MJoin(new MJoin("ProductPack")
.Link("Product.ProductID", "Pack.PrdID")
.Field(new Field(""))
.Field(new Field("Pack.ProdID"))
.Field(new Field("Pack.Cat"))
.Field(new Field("Pack.Cap")) )
return Json(response);
I am not sure where is error is: But I believe it is because I am using the same table. Or I may be mistaken
Thanks in advance
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Its hard to say without seeing the running code. Please post a link to your page or a test case showing the issue.
Is the submit button in one of the editor forms or a custom form you created?
Is the data sent to the server?
Do you get errors in the browser's console?
What troubleshooting steps have you taken?
Hi Kevin,
It is hard to post a test case because it is a really long one. I tried to simplify it as much as I can just to pass the idea to you
The moment I hit the submit button; the column "proce" value changed from 0 to 1 in the database. But only when no other datatable present
In term of troubleshooting, I have used the developer window in the firefox browser where it enables me to see the post result from the server (200, 500, or 404)
The error I got is always referring to the controller which called by the second datatable
What is the error?
What exactly happens?
What is shown in the ajax request and response when tab 1 doesn't work?
Without seeing what you are doing on the Javascript side it will be very difficult to offer suggestions.
Thanks, Kevin,
I found that this line:
window.editor = myEditor;
is the cause of the problem. Once I commented it out; everything works fine!