postgres keywords in .net framework editor
postgres keywords in .net framework editor
as per but for .net framework
using postgres11
editor 2.02
latest datatables
.net 4.6.1
A table with the columname keyword "desc" is not being escaped properly and fails
Debuginfo query generated by editor-server
"SELECT id as \"id\", the_geom as \"the_geom\", desc as \"desc\" FROM public.testdesc_1 ORDER BY id asc LIMIT 40 OFFSET 0"
Console error
Uncaught Error: DataTables warning: table id=tabEditDataset - ERROR: 42601: syntax error at or near "desc"
at _fnLog (jquery.dataTables.js:6530)
at Object.success (jquery.dataTables.js:3934)
at fire (sm.min.js:3)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (sm.min.js:3)
at done (sm.min.js:3)
at XMLHttpRequest.callback (sm.min.js:3)
Has the above fix for PHP postgres been applied to the .net framework version, I noticed on the that all seems to be fine
Please assist if possible
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Apologies no, that fix didn't make it over to the .NET libraries. I've just made that change now and like in the other post our unit tests will run on it soon.
Are you happy building a new dll from that repo, or I can send you one over if you prefer?
Hi Allan,
Sorry for the delay in feedback,
I will download the package when it has made it to the full release.
Thanks for fixing