Child Rows are not showing by click on Parent Row
Child Rows are not showing by click on Parent Row

Link to test case:
I followed the tutorial I got the "Parent Row" data, by click on that "td" element my required output is showing in console window, but it is showing in UI. I used ajax call to get the Child Row data. Here I am adding my code
Debugger code (
var table = $('#indentTable').DataTable();
$('#indentTable tbody').on('click','td.details-control',function(){
var PRNO = $(this).data('id');
var PrId = $(this).data('refid'); // these 2 variables I have to make use in ajax call
var tr = $(this).closest(tr);
var row = table.row(tr);
alert('Came to else part'); //This alert is coming
row.child('hello').show(); //For Test added, but no use
format(PRNO,PrId,row.child); // Child Table is not displaying, but showing in "Console window of Google Developer Tools"
}); //details-control End
function format(PRNO,PrId,callback)
var PRNO = PRNO;
var PrId = PrId;
url : "my Url",
type : "POST",
data : {PRNO : PRNO,PrId: PrId},
success : function(childdata){
var data = JSON.parse(childdata); //Parsing my json data coming from controller
var thead = ' ', tbody = ' ';
for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++)
tbody+= '<tr><td>'+data[i].X+'</td></tr>'+.......+'<tr><td>'+data[i].Z+'</td></tr>;
}//success End
}); //ajax End
}//format function End
}); //document End
Error messages shown:
I didn't get any Error Messages here, But I didn't get Output.
Description of problem:
What mistake I done, really not understand. I am struggling with this from couple of weeks.
Please can anybody give suggestion... Thanks in advance
Edited by Kevin: Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide
See if the solution in this ajax fetched child rows blog helps. If you still have troubles please post a link to your page or a test case replicating the problem so we can help debug.