Table is "Loading..." infinite

Table is "Loading..." infinite

GehmasseGehmasse Posts: 7Questions: 1Answers: 0

My table in index.html is loading all the time ans does ot display the data from 'table.php' that i created by the php function json_encode().

[{"id":"2","0":"2","vorname":"Max","1":"Max","nachname":"Mustermann","2":"Mustermann","strasse-hsnr":"Musterstra\u00dfe 5","3":"Musterstra\u00dfe 5","plz":"12345","4":"12345","ort":"Musterstadt","5":"Musterstadt","tel-1":"0123 456789","6":"0123 456789","tel-2":"456 789321","7":"456 789321","e-mail":"max@muster.mann","8":"max@muster.mann","bemerkungen":"Bemerkungen:\r\nMax ist ein netter Kunde","9":"Bemerkungen:\r\nMax ist ein netter Kunde"}]

<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
ajax: 'table.php',
columns: [
{ data: 'id' },
{ data: 'vorname' },
{ data: 'nachname' },
{ data: 'ort' }
<table id="personen" class="display">

Sorry for the all German words but i want to show you the original code :wink:
Maybe you can help me detecting the problem :smile:


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