Column rendering in dynamically generate table

Column rendering in dynamically generate table

Khalid TeliKhalid Teli Posts: 251Questions: 71Answers: 0

Hi @allan
Happy New Year!

I am populating the table dynamically using :smile:

    function getDT(filter_supplierref) {

        var columns = [];
        var fields = [];

           url: "/xxxxxxxxx_fetch.php",
              data:  {filter_supplierref: JSON.stringify(filter_supplierref)},

                  success: function (data) {
            data = JSON.parse(data);

            columnNames = Object.keys([0]);

            for (var i in columnNames) {

              columns.push({data: columnNames[i], 
                        title: capitalizeFirstLetter('<div><span>'+columnNames[i]+'</span></div>')})                          
      if ( $.fn.dataTable.isDataTable( '#contracts_forecast' ) ) {


    $('#contracts_forecast tbody').empty();
    $('#contracts_forecast thead').empty();

    var table =     $('#contracts_forecast').DataTable({

                 "processing": true,
            "serverSide": true,
            "paging": true,
              "lengthMenu": [ [10, 25, 50, 500], [10, 25, 50, 500] ],
                           columns: columns, 


           url: "/xxxxxxfetch.php",
                 data:  {filter_supplierref: JSON.stringify(filter_supplierref)}


                dom: "Brtlip",
                   //destroy: true,
                   select: true,
            buttons: [


             "columnDefs": [

            } );
     } });}


            filter_supplierref = $('#filter_supplierref').val();

    $(document).ready(function() {


    } );


The no. of columns change based on the filter data.

Is there a possibility to add a rendered column to the table , Like we do normally

{ data: null, render: function (data, type, row){

  if (n1 !== n ) {

    var diff = (parseFloat(data.Total_ThisYear - data.Total_LastYear) / data.Total_LastYear)*100; 
     return parseFloat(diff).toFixed(2) + '%';}

   var diff = ((data.Total_ThisYear - data.Total_LastYear_ToDate) / data.Total_LastYear_ToDate)*100;  
      return parseFloat(diff).toFixed(2) + '%';} }

  else{ return 0;}


Thank you


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,599Questions: 26Answers: 5,006

    You can use columnDefs. You should also be able to add it dynamically in the success function - you will need to determine when to add it depending on where you want the column. Have you tried? What issues do you have?

    If you have problems please post a link to your page or a test case replicating the issue so we can help debug.


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,599Questions: 26Answers: 5,006

    You could use Javascript splice() to insert the rendered column where required into the columns array in the success function.


  • Khalid TeliKhalid Teli Posts: 251Questions: 71Answers: 0

    Thank you very much.

    I managed to add the headers insid esuccess function using:

                success: function (data) {
                data = JSON.parse(data);
      columnNames = Object.keys([0]);
     let addColumns =  columnNames;
    let removed = addColumns.splice(-1, 1, 'ord_achieved','monies')
            for (var i in columnNames) {
              columns.push({data: columnNames[i],title: capitalizeFirstLetter('<div><span>'+columnNames[i]+'</span></div>')});

    and then render the data using

          columnDefs": [ {
            "targets": -1,
            "data": null,
            "render": function ( data, type, row, meta ) {
              return "q"
          } ,
            "targets": -2,
            "data": null,
            "render": function ( data, type, row, meta ) {
              return "0";
          } ,

    Thank you.
    As always appreciate your help.

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