Footer sum using data attribute
Footer sum using data attribute
Hi, I would like to use the footer function to get the sum of a column. In the column I display the the number with some html style and if I sum the values I get an error. In the cell I put the integer value on two data attributes, "data-sort" and "data-csv" and I would like to use this value to obtain the sum.
I tried to put the name of the data attribute, with and without "data-" and also with "@" but nothing.
ex. pageTotal = api.column(i).data('data-csv')......
Could you help me?
won't have access to the nodes. Trycolumn().nodes()
to get thetd
. You can then get the data attributes of thetd
Thanks for your reply.
I tried to use column().nodes but I don't understand how to use it.
For exemple if I use
api.column( i ).nodes().to$().data('csv')
I get only the first row value.
This example show a couple different loops you can use:
One uses jQuery each() and the other uses
to sum the data value.Kevin
thank but if I use your code inside the footer callback function I get an error
Please provide a test case (update mine if you want) of what you are trying so we can help debug.
I find the solution, thanks for your suggestion!
Here the solution:
$(document).ready( function () {
table = $('#example').DataTable({
"footerCallback": function ( row, data, start, end, display ) {
var api = this.api(), data;
col = 0;
total = api.column(col, { page: 'current'}).nodes().reduce( function ( a, b ) {
return a + $(b).data('attribute');
}, 0 );