Row height not in sync when using fixed tables

Row height not in sync when using fixed tables

elektrateqelektrateq Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

Hi, I can't seem to find a solution for aligning the rows in this table. The table needs to have a height that is determined by the content as sometimes the text needs to wrap to the next line. Whenever the text in the fixed rows does't but the data in the table does the wrap, the fixed row comes out .2 pixels shorter. My table config is as follows:

        vendorTable = $(vendorTableSelector).DataTable({
            ajax: {::removed::},
            initComplete: {::removed::),
            deferRender: true,
            dom: 'Btripl',
            fixedColumns: {
                heightMatch: 'semiauto',
                leftColumns: fixedColumnsCount
            lengthMenu: [10, 25, 50, 100, 1000],
            oLanguage: { sProcessing: "Loading, please wait..." },
            ordering: true,
            paging: true,
            pageLength: defaultPageLength,
            pagingType: "full_numbers",
            processing: true,
            select: {
                items: 'row',
                style: 'multi',
            serverSide: true,
            scrollX: true,
            scrollY: 508,
            scrollCollapse: true,
            columns: relevantColumns


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