[Angular] - Using Detail row put the content below the grid and not in the current grid

[Angular] - Using Detail row put the content below the grid and not in the current grid

pponzanopponzano Posts: 3Questions: 2Answers: 0

I'm tryng to shoe a detail grid on an Angular project but I got the row displayed outside the grid

 expandsRow(trRef: any, rowData: any) {
    this.dataTableElement.dtInstance.then((dtInstance: DataTables.Api) => {

       var row = dtInstance.row(trRef);
      if (row.child.isShown()) {
         this._renderer.removeClass(trRef, 'shown');
       else {

        //this.childRow.instance. = this.format();
         let factory = this.compFactory.resolveComponentFactory(ChildStorageTypeComponent);
         this.childRow = this.viewRef.createComponent(factory);
        // this.childRow.instance.inputData = [rowData];
        // row.child(this.childRow.location.nativeElement).show();
        // this._renderer.addClass(trRef, 'shown');
    // }, (err) => {
    //   console.log(err)
    //   this.notifyService.showError(
    //     err.statusText,
    //     'Error while inserting item.'
    //   )

What am I doing wrong?


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