How can I sum a datatable column with JSON values?

How can I sum a datatable column with JSON values?

Josuemx10Josuemx10 Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

I have the following code and I want to sum the hours column but I can't do it

const promise1 = Promise.resolve("Post", "task/taskByProjectId", project, true));
promise1.then((value) => {
    var table = $('#table-taskByProjectId').DataTable({
        language: {
            "url": "//"
        paging: true,
        "bDestroy": true,
        lengthMenu: [
            [5, 15, 30, -1],
            [5, 15, 30, "Ver Todo"]
        "columnDefs": [{
            "className": "dt-center",
            "targets": "_all"
        data: value,
        columns: [
                data: "nameTask",
                "render": function (data, type, row, meta) {
                    return data;
                data: "nombreUsuario",
                "render": function (data, type, row, meta) {
                    return data;
                data: "horas",
                "render": function (data, type, row, meta) {
                    return data;



Can you help me please?


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