Datatable data not clear

Datatable data not clear

nsrinusetty12nsrinusetty12 Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0

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Description of problem: when i click the page , we got the data and displayed using data tables, and then we have search functionality for specific record. by using search funtionality, i am able to pull the data and displayed, but when i click on the row,
$('#table_output tbody').on('click', 'td', function() {
// alert(JSON.stringify(table.cell(this).data()));

i am getting below error

Uncaught SyntaxError: "undefined" is not valid JSON
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at ClientSelectEmail1 (itfwebJobs.js:122:22)
at HTMLTableRowElement.<anonymous> (ABATjobDetailsList:278:7)
at HTMLTableSectionElement.dispatch (jquery-3.5.1.js:5429:27)
at elemData.handle (jquery-3.5.1.js:5233:28)

but i vefied, i got the valid json only, i used the datatable. $('#table_output').DataTable().clear();, but its not clear, and verfied page source, it have all previsous records, mean not clear the datable data .

Please help me how resolve?


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