Styling cell when its column is used in sorting
Styling cell when its column is used in sorting

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I am trying to conditionally style a couple of cells and for most part it works fine but there was one cell that would not play nice.
When I inspected the element in Chrome, I noticed its class, in addition to my custom class, had "sorting_2" class. When I removed it, then style was applied. This is how it showed in Chrome
<td class="duplicateBincode sorting_2">86160</td>
This is how I am styling the cells/rows:
tblOpenBins = $("#openBinsTable").DataTable({
jQueryUI: true,
data: [],
order: [[3, 'asc'], [1, 'asc'], [10, 'desc']],
rowCallback: function (row, data, index) {
if (data.BINCODE_COUNT > 1) {
$('td:eq(1)', row).removeClass('alertRow').addClass('duplicateBincode'); // This row is used in sorting
$('td:eq(2)', row).removeClass('alertRow').addClass('duplicateBincode'); // This is fine
I also tried unsuccessfully to style this in columnDefs as:
targets: [1,2],
createdCell: function (td, cellData, rowData, row, col) {
if (rowData[22] > 1) { // This is where BINCODE_COUNT is
As I mentioned, when sorting class is removed it works fine.
If you could link to a test case showing the issue, I can take a look at it.
It might depend on what selector your CSS is using. This example works regardless of whether sorting is applied to the column or not.
classes are applied to the sorted columns. The behavior might be different if using a styling framework. Its possible theorder-column
class might be intereferring. See the default table styling classes for more info.If you still need help please post a link to your page or a test case showing the problem so we can take a look.
Thanks Allan. It is a corporate app, no outside access. I will try to create a sample page to show the issue.
The only way I could fix this issue quickly was to add "!important" to "td.duplicateBincodes" class's background style.
I see in Chrome, when I inspect the problem cell, that the background color is crossed out; not sure what is overwriting it.
If you scroll down the styles, it will probably show a selector which is more specific and thus overriding it.
If you'd like us to take a look, we would indeed need a test case showing it please. Good to hear you've got a workaround though.