no se ejcuta el boton pdf para exportar los datos
no se ejcuta el boton pdf para exportar los datos

haciendo pruebas para conocer mas de datatables, quise agregar una paginacion a mi reporte que se exporta a pdf, y ya no se ejecuta el boton, si quito el codigo si funciona.
agradezco todos sus consejos.
aqui la parte del codigo que puse para paginar.
var pageCount = doc.internal.getNumberOfPages();
doc.footer = function(currentPage) {
return { text: 'Página ' + currentPage.toString() + ' de ' + pageCount.toString(), alignment: 'center', margin: [0, 0, 0, 20] };
aqui el codigo completo que utilizo para el pdf
"extend": "pdfHtml5",
"text": "<i class='fas fa-file-pdf'></i> PDF",
"titleAttr":"Exportar a PDF",
"className": "btn btn-danger",
"orientation": "landscape", //--- HORIZONTAL ---
"pageSize": "letter",
"title": "TITULO REPORTE",
customize: function(doc) {
doc.pageMargins = { top: 20, bottom: 20, left: 20, right: 20 };
doc.styles.title = { color: 'black', fontSize: '11', background: 'silver', alignment: 'center', bold: true };
doc.content.splice( doc.content.length - 2, 0, { canvas: [{ type: 'line', x1: 0, y1: 10, x2: 600, y2: 10, lineWidth: 1 }] });
doc.content.push({ canvas: [{ type: 'line', x1: 0, y1: 10, x2: 700, y2: 10, lineWidth: 1 }] });
var pageCount = doc.internal.getNumberOfPages();
doc.footer = function(currentPage) {
return { text: 'Página ' + currentPage.toString() + ' de ' + pageCount.toString(), alignment: 'center', margin: [0, 0, 0, 20] };
"messageTop": "» SUBTITULO REPORTE",
"messageBottom": "Fin del reporte",
"exportOptions": { "columns": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], modifier: { selected: true } }
Edited by Kevin: Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide
This discussion has been closed.
Do you get errors in the browser's console?
What is
? I suspect you are getting an error similar to this:But the problem might be something different. Please provide a link to a test case showing the issue so we can help debug.
The PDF export uses PDFMake. You might need to refer the the PDFMake docs to learn how to add a new page to the export.