Getting started with datatable
Getting started with datatable

Good afternoon, I am learning to use datatable and I have a problem.
I want to add a condition to my table where the user can choose a date range and have it sorted in the table but I can't do it
function listar(){
"bProcessing": true,//activamos el procedimiento del datatable
"bServerSide": true,//paginacion y filrado realizados por el server
dom: 'Bfrtip',//definimos los elementos del control de la tabla
buttons: [
type: "get",
dataType : "json",
"order":[[0,"desc"]]//ordenar (columna, orden)
Date range is documented here:
Since you have server side processing enabled you will need to send the date range input values to the server using
as a function, like this example. Next you will need to update your server side script to incorporate the range parameters into the data query used to fetch the row data.Kevin