data fetch in limit from backend on click of pagination number.

data fetch in limit from backend on click of pagination number.

sameer123sameer123 Posts: 2Questions: 2Answers: 0
edited May 23 in Free community support

I am using vue js with laravel as a backend.
I fetch users with limit 10.
and i am using datatable -

import DataTable from '';
import DataTableLib from '';
import '';


export default {
      components: {DataTable},
      data() {
          return {
              users: null,
              columns: [
                  {data: null, render: function(data,type,row,meta){
                      return `${meta.row + 1}`
                  {data: 'name'},
                  {data: 'email'},
                  {data: null, render: function(data,type,row,meta)
                          return data.status;

            options: {
                responsive: true,
                autoWidth: false,
                // dom: 'Bfrtip',
                language: {
                    // search: 'Search',
                    searchPlaceholder: 'Type In To Search',
                    zeroRecords: 'No Data available'

      mounted() {
      methods: {
          getUsers() {
    'user'), {})
              .then((response) => {
                  this.users =

but how to draw or hit again api for others data on second page, third page and so on ?

Edited by Allan - Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide.


  • allanallan Posts: 62,982Questions: 1Answers: 10,364 Site admin

    What you are describing is what we call server-side processing in DataTables terminology.

    If you want to use server-side processing you'll need a server-side script that implements the protocol described here.

    Only if you have tens of thousands or more rows in it is it worth doing server-side processing. Otherwise, just use client-side processing.



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