Init function from serverside html onclick function invalid reference due to scope
Init function from serverside html onclick function invalid reference due to scope

I am rendering html serverside
<a href="#" onclick="checkBal('269C9607C92FE045B3A121CEE3F17FD6');">PINV</a>
the page is loaded via ajax and includes a script inline with datatable loaded after document ready. I have tried the checkBal function in intiComplete, after $document Ready and before ready in the script tag. The table loads ok with all rows correct inc urls. However onclick error Uncaught ReferenceError: checkBal is not defined I realise this is something to do with scope so where do I define the function ?
Its hard to say why you are getting the error and where to place checkBal() without seeing your solution. I copied you code snippet and created a checkBal() function in this test case and it works:
If this is the case then follow normal Javascript scoping rules to place the function. Datatables doesn't control or affect this.
Can you post a link to your page or test case replicating the error so wwe can offer suggestions?
Thanks for reply I resolved it by
document.checkBal=function checkBal(purchaseID) {.......
The problem is that the table is populated after an ajax request and for some reason checkBal is no longer in the block scope after the request.