Search with point doesn't work
Search with point doesn't work

after the succesfully migration to 2.14 I have found a problem with the search box and numbers with a point inside.
In the example:
If I search for 1.200 I get 0 result. It schold be 1.
Can it be fixed for the next version?
Or can I configure the search options in an anoter way?
Best regards
Hi Damian,
Are you seeing a salary with a number like that which you are expecting it to match? The number matching happens on the unformatted number, since I expect users to type "1200" rather than "1.200" or "1,200" (depending on where you are in the world).
If you need search to work on both styles of number, you could use a custom rendering function that returns both styles for the
data type (see orthogonal data).Allan
That example does not have a point, ie
, in the data. It has a comma, for example:$1,200,000
. Searching for1,200
does work:Please provide a test case that shows the problem you are having.
Hello and thanks for the fast answers.
I have prepared an example:
It's very easy :-)
My problem is, to get the table filtered for the input values embedded in the column value.
Does the example help to understand this?
Best regards
One option is to use Orthognal data, as Allan mentioned, for the
type. Updated test case:
It uses jQuery val() to get the input's value for filtering.
Hello Kevin,
thank you very much it works perfect.
I am using JQuery, so it'a a good solution.
Have a nice day.
Best regards