Save state and data-visible="false"

Save state and data-visible="false"

anzerkreeanzerkree Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0


I have a table with columns that I want to hide by default using the data attribute data-visible="false".

                <th data-exclude="true" data-width="50"></th>
                <th data-orderable="false" >Col 2</th>      
                <th data-visible="false" >Col 3</th>        

Everything works fine until I enable stateSave: true in my DataTable configuration.

var table = $(tableIdentifier).DataTable({
        data: datas,
        stateSave: true,

At that point, the data-visible attribute is no longer considered, and all columns become visible.

Is there a way to make both work?

That is, if no state exists, use the data attribute and otherwise override it with what's stored in memory?


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