well = what can - cmpletly useless....

well = what can - cmpletly useless....

pavelo6543pavelo6543 Posts: 4Questions: 1Answers: 0

ive been strugggling for the past year or so to initiate a single datable with filter options eyc - but i guess im useleess and every knows someting i am clearly missing - i was totaly unable to understand a single thing from the documention (yeah i saw how to connect it to db but no where do you people show how i can use the library from start to finish in numerous way - if you think that 10k users form a wotld of about 30 million developers is a good cut - then keep it up - otherwise would love to see some a "bit" more detailed guide for newbiews with benchmarks so i can actually know which type is better for me - and trust me when i say your clientelle will grow expedently if u do - for instance i bouth over 5 datable - similar crud slutions from codecanion at a total of 549 $ - just because i simple cannot / dont understand how to use your framework /app or whatever it is...and failed to find a single web app already using it so i can have some sort of starting point- i guess thats why the low number of users - absolutely useless if no newbie guide.....im trying to build a web app based on meteor using your library - but found it close to impossible....


  • pavelo6543pavelo6543 Posts: 4Questions: 1Answers: 0

    and please do not get offended - all im saying is if you make only minimal effort by post a complete / more detailed guide - u triple the amount of paying users - i cannot use the source you show in any productive way - all too time consuming - and ive worked on other framweworks - never this much headache - if you dedicate 10-15 min in making a tutorial video or sample app on github or anythong that might actually explain different use cases better - id be yu first client to donate 250k usd - but as isee it - right now the framework is useless on most case secanrios - how to i use it with an existing cms? wordpress / joomla / drupla or any other? how to i build a stand alone app with user login? nothing? might as well just explain how php works in 12 sections and php language would have been non existent long ago...

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,173Questions: 26Answers: 4,923

    Guess I'm confused. Instead of posting questions you create two posts complaining about documentation. Not very productive. Yes, there is a lot of documentation and there is a learning curve. When I first started with Datatables it took me a long time to figure out how to make it work the way I wanted. I posted questions and got excellent help from the developer (yes one developer for this whole thing) and other forum members.

    I would suggest creating a new post describing your environment and the issues you are having. Post any relevant error messages and config. If you have a link to your page that we can look at that would be great. If not then use the debugger and provide the resulting link.

    We are here to help. But requesting one developer (two in recent months) to create beginner tutorials for all the different environments is, IMO, asking a bit much. I would rather they spend time on new features and fixing issues.

    No, I'm not a Datatables developer or employee - just a user.


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