Column header is not coming on the right position of the column value after grouping data

Column header is not coming on the right position of the column value after grouping data

polachanpolachan Posts: 101Questions: 50Answers: 0

I am using the data table to show the report by grouping of Branch, Employee . But after grouping the detail record doesn't show in right position. Please can you help. Each column header doesnot show the same position of the column value.
It would be very appreciated if you can give the help


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 20,476Questions: 26Answers: 4,806

    I didn't try it but my guess is you should include the Datatables Bootstrap integration files. This may help the styling to align the columns. This is the doc:

    The examples for Datatables and the extensions have a styling section which you can see what files are needed.

    The Download Builder can be used to get all the correct files based on the styling framework you want to use.


  • polachanpolachan Posts: 101Questions: 50Answers: 0

    Many thanks for the reply. The problem of alignment is Remark column' When the value of Remark is longer , the alignment is all became mess. Is there anyway can fix by fixed length of remark column and with word wrap

  • colincolin Posts: 15,194Questions: 1Answers: 2,590

    This sounds like a duplicate of this thread.

  • polachanpolachan Posts: 101Questions: 50Answers: 0
    edited March 2019

    I hope this problem can be fixed if I can use dt-center for rest of the column from 2 to 11 , but the same time, targets: [0, 1] should be visible = false. Please can you help me with suggested code how to use dt-denter to center the column from 2 to 11 and along with 0-1 visible = false. I want to apply dt-center in my code given on the link

    It is very urgent please help

    "columnDefs": [
    {"className": "dt-center", "targets": "2l"}

  • polachanpolachan Posts: 101Questions: 50Answers: 0

    I sorted the problem thanks for the help

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